
Top 3 Exercises for Bunions

Top 3 Exercises For Bunions


In this video, Sydney Bunion Clinic podiatrist Brent demonstrates his top 3 at home exercises for bunion treatment.

Foot pain, Bunions and heel pain need not control your life. Sydney Bunion Clinic is a Sydney podiatry clinic that does a treatment called foot mobilisation podiatry and acupuncture for the treatment of a wide range of foot pain, heel pain, biomechanical and body movement issues. Assessment and treatment techniques combine a mixture of mainstream podiatry treatments with foot mobilisation and acupuncture, allowing a holistic approach to treating your foot pain.

Contact our Manly Vale clinic on 8966 9300 or book an assessment online

Tags: Bunion Treatment Sydney

New Patient Bunion Assessment

Only $35* Usually $100

*Claimable on your private health insurance

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