
Your Practitioners

Helping you gain relief from the pain and discomfort of bunions, without restrictions to your lifestyle, activity and footwear.

Most people think that surgery is the only option for bunion treatment, and this is simply not true. We have over 19 years experience treating bunions with a gentle, hands-on physical therapy technique, known as Foot Mobilisation Therapy. 

We believe there is a better way to treat your bunions, one that doesn’t involve expensive or painful surgery, orthotics or restrictions to your activity, lifestyle and footwear. Foot Mobilisation Therapy is a recognised technique, utilising gentle manipulation of the joints to take them through their full range of motion to improve their function. Combined with basic strengthening exercises, FMT is highly effective in addressing the underlying cause of several conditions affecting the foot and ankle. 

Our practitioners are all qualified medical professionals, with advanced training in foot mobilisation therapy, and we are passionate about providing the best results possible for our patients. 

Daniel Fitzpatrick

B.App.SC (Pod) M.A.Pod A.
• Level 8 Foot Mobilisation Therapy
• Advanced Certificate in musculoskeletal acupuncture and dry needling

New Patient Bunion Assessment

Only $35* Usually $100

*Claimable on your private health insurance