
Can Bunions be reversed?

Can Bunions be reversed? 

Can bunions be reversed?

Are you worried that you have a bunion that can’t be reversed? 

Do you want to avoid bunion surgery? 

Are you worried that your bunion is just going to get worse left untreated? 

Make sure that you read this blog because we are going to give you some great information on how you can treat your bunion and possibly reverse it without having to consider surgery! 


What problems can bunions cause? 

So, is it actually possible to “reverse” a bunion? 

Before we look at how the foot can be treated, let dive a little into the effects of bunions. 

Bunions affect 1 in 3 Australians and are a very common issue. Despite this, many people are unaware of their options in treating bunions, with surgery being considered by many to be the only solution. 

Bunions can result in a number of difficulties for the sufferer. They can be painful and uncomfortable, restricting movement and mobility as well as footwear choices. Many women in particular who suffer from bunions feel self-conscious about their feet and can find it difficult to find shoes that are both comfortable and flattering to wear. 

Bunions for the most part are also genetic, so chances are, if your mother had bunions you will develop them too. If left too long without treatment, bunions may also lead a number of related complications including, osteoarthritis. 

It is for all these reasons that we recommend treating your bunion as early as possible – don’t wait for it to get painful or so severe it impacts your quality of life. 

How do I reverse a bunion? 

At our clinic, we have years of experience treating bunions without surgery, using a physical therapy technique known as foot mobilisation therapy. In fact, over 70% of our patients have a bunion or come to see us for their bunion. 

The actual process itself is just a very gentle hands on technique combined with exercises that helps to straighten the bunion, as well as correct the underlying cause that lead to its formation. Through these conservative management approaches you can start to straighten a big toe which in effect starts to straighten, or “reverse” a bunion. 

When addressed early, foot mobilisation therapy is a very effective method of treating a bunion and produces long term results. 

When is it too late to treat a bunion with FMT? 

It’s only in advanced cases where you have had a significant level of osteoarthritic change or a bone change that we cannot reverse a bunion and this is more in the advanced stages. This is why we continually stress the importance of addressing your bunion sooner rather than later, especially if your aim is to avoid bunion surgery. 

If your bunion is at an advanced stage, FMT can still help you but may not be able to fully reverse or reduce the bunion. 

We believe that your only option shouldn’t be surgery and we have successfully treated thousands of bunions and helped people avoid surgery. We understand your concerns around surgery or a bunion getting worse and why you might want to try to reverse your bunion and for the most part we believe you can reverse a bunion depending on the stage it’s in. 

What is the process of treating a bunion? 

So the process is if you want to correct your bunion or reverse your bunion is; 

  1. Book an assessment with Sydney Bunion Clinic
  2. We assess your bunion and diagnose the underlying cause 
  3. We come up with a plan to treat your individual case
  4. We address the bunion long term and avoid surgery

We have successfully treated thousands of bunions and helped people avoid surgery and minimise further progression of their bunion. 

Special Offer – Book Now! 

For a limited time we are offering a 65% initial assessment offer –  this makes it $35 for our bunion assessment. 

What have you got to lose apart from reversing your bunion, improving function for the rest of your life, avoiding surgery, avoiding pain long term and wearing the shoes you love.     

Contact our Manly Vale clinic on 8966 9300 or book an assessment online 

Tags: Bunion Treatment Sydney, Bunion Surgery 


New Patient Bunion Assessment 

Only $35* Usually $100 

*Claimable on your private health insurance



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